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Input and form elements look decent out of the box with the default hgrid styles.

File locations: sass/input/_input.scss and input/_form.scss (GitHub)

The signal colors used for checkboxes, radio buttons, buttons and focus outline can be set in the global variables. The styles are slightly opinionated, but conservative, CSS-only and respectful of browser functionality. You can add extra styling with utility classes such as radius-{x} for border-radius, mt- for margin-top, .block for display:block, etc.

Checkboxes and radio buttons are entirely custom styled, reflecting your customized $theme-color-primary. <input type="file"> as well as infrequently used input types such as type="color" and type="range" have their factory settings *. Maintaining styling hacks for all these is beyond the scope of the hgrid package.

fieldset, legend and label elements will have some default styling applied. Pseudo-selectors like :disabled and :readonly will be reflected visually. Examples below.

Example Form

Legend (fieldset heading)
Related Classes Description
.disabled Grays out label and text elements for use with the :disabled input state. Cursor not-allowed.
.readonly Grays out label and text elements for use with the :readonly input state. Cursor not-allowed.
.secondary Lighter variant of button, input[type=submit] and [type=reset]
.negative Negative variant of button, input[type=submit] and [type=reset]. Can be combined with .outline
.outline Outline variant of button, input[type=submit] and [type=reset]

Radio buttons and checkboxes are inline elements and will display next to each other horizontally. Add class="block" to make them stack vertically. Buttons and input type buttons are displayed as block elements out of the box. Add .inline or .inline-block to display them horizontally.

*) An exception: We have cleaned up <input type="file"> a little bit by removing default padding and border around the button and added some margin.

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