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File location: layout/helpers/_utilities.scss (GitHub)

General Utilities

Utility Name CSS Property Comment
.hide / .display-none display: none;
.show / .block / .display-block display: block;
.inline display: inline;
.inline-block display: inline-block;
.flow-root display: flow-root; Creates a new block formatting context for the element. Can replace clearfix hacks for floated elements.
.contents display: contents;
.invisible / .hidden visibility: hidden; The element is invisible (also to screen readers), but layout is affected as normal.
.visible visibility: visible;
.pointer-events-all pointer-events: all; Clicks/taps will be registered even for invisible elements
.pointer-events-none pointer-events: none; No clicks/taps will be registered
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Responsive Overrides

1. Hide elements from certain viewports

Utility Name CSS Property Comment
display: none; Hide element from breakpoint and up (wider)
display: none; Hide element from breakpoint and down (narrower)
visibility: hidden; Hide element from breakpoint and up (wider)
visibility: hidden; Hide element from breakpoint and down (narrower)
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2. Show elements on certain viewports

Utility Name CSS Property Comment
display: block; Show element from breakpoint and up (wider)
display: block; Show element from breakpoint and down (narrower)
visibility: visible; Show element from breakpoint and up (wider)
visibility: visible; Show element from breakpoint and down (narrower)
display: flex; Show flex containers (like unstacked .row) from the breakpoint and up if they have been hidden with display:none;
display: flex; Show flex containers (like unstacked .row) from the breakpoint and down if they have been hidden with display:none;
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3. Hide elements from one specific viewport

phone and desktop-large are excluded. Specific hide utilities for these are covered by #1 and #2 above.

Utility Name CSS Property Comment
display: none; Hide element from this viewport only
visibility: hidden; Hide element from this viewport only
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4. Show elements on one specific viewport

phone and desktop-large are excluded. Specific show utilities for these are covered by #1 and #2 above.

Utility Name CSS Property Comment
display: block; Show element on this viewport only
visibility: visible; Show element on this viewport only
display: flex; Show flex containers (like unstacked .row) on this viewport only, if they have been hidden with display:none;
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Control element opacity with utilities from .opacity-0 to .opacity-100, with intervals of -5. Here's a red rectangle with 40% opacity:


Each number is a percentage value from 0% to 100%, where 0 means the element is completely transparent, and 100 means the element is fully opaque (no transparency). .opacity-35 sets opacity to 0.35, .opacity-70 sets opacity to 0.7, .opacity-100 sets the css property to opacity: 1;.


Utility Name CSS Property Comment
.overflow-hidden overflow: hidden; No scrollbars
.overflow-scroll overflow: scroll; Always scrollbars, both directions
.overflow-auto overflow: auto; Scrollbars if needed, both directions
.overflow-visible overflow: visible; Content can be rendered outside the container if too high/wide
.overflow-hidden-visible overflow: hidden visible; Vertical scrollbar only, clip content at the bottom
.overflow-visible-hidden overflow: visible hidden; Horizontal scrollbar only, clip content on the right side and at the bottom if it overflows available height/width
.overflow-unset overflow: unset; Unsets the overflow property
.overflow-x-hidden overflow-x: hidden; Clip horizontal content if needed, no scrollbar
.overflow-x-scroll overflow-x: scroll; Clip horizontal content if needed, allow horizontal scroll
.overflow-x-auto overflow-x: auto; Horizontal scrollbar if element is too narrow for the content
.overflow-x-visible overflow-x: visible; Content allowed to be rendered outside the container if too wide
.overflow-x-unset overflow-x: unset; Unsets the horizontal overflow property
.overflow-y-hidden overflow-y: hidden; Clip vertical content if needed, no scrollbar
.overflow-y-scroll overflow-y: scroll; Vertical scrollbar if content needs to be clipped
.overflow-y-auto overflow-y: scroll; Vertical scrollbar if element is too short for the content
.overflow-y-visible overflow-y: visible; Content allowed to be rendered outside the container if too high
.overflow-y-unset overflow-y: unset; Unsets the vertical overflow property
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Overflow Examples

a) Overflow hidden
    <div class="overflow-hidden border-gray" style="max-width:40rem; height: 10rem;">
    <!-- content ... -->
This is some overflowing content. Chocolate cake pie chocolate cake ice cream jujubes. Toffee candy tootsie roll. Gummi bears cupcake oat cake dragée. Halvah soufflé brownie muffin danish muffin brownie jelly gingerbread. Icing croissant tiramisu sugar plum candy. Danish cheesecake cake. Marzipan brownie candy sweet sugar plum. Pudding sweet fruitcake cookie pie. Liquorice lemon drops toffee candy. Jelly-o chocolate jelly beans donut wafer bear claw. Jujubes bear claw chocolate cake biscuit cookie muffin powder pudding. Lemon drops chupa chups cheesecake. Cheesecake pastry chocolate candy canes liquorice gummi bears. Sugar plum tootsie roll croissant marzipan cheesecake toffee macaroon.
b) Overflow scroll
    <div class="overflow-scroll border-gray" style="max-width:40rem; height: 10rem;">
    <!-- content can be scrolled both directions -->
This is some overflowing content on both axes. Very long horizontal overflowing content chocolatecakepiechocolatecakeicecreamjujubestoffee-candy-tootsie-roll. Gummi bears cupcake oat cake dragée. Halvah soufflé brownie muffin danish muffin brownie jelly gingerbread. Icing croissant tiramisu sugar plum candy. Danish cheesecake cake. Marzipan brownie candy sweet sugar plum. Pudding sweet fruitcake cookie pie. Liquorice lemon drops toffee candy. Jelly-o chocolate jelly beans donut wafer bear claw. Jujubes bear claw chocolate cake biscuit cookie muffin powder pudding. Lemon drops chupa chups cheesecake. Cheesecake pastry chocolate candy canes liquorice gummi bears. Sugar plum tootsie roll croissant marzipan cheesecake toffee macaroon.
c) Overflow visible-hidden
    <div class="overflow-visible-hidden border-gray" style="max-width:40rem; height: 10rem;">
    <!-- content can be scrolled horizontally ... -->
This is some overflowing content on both axes. Very long horizontal overflowing content chocolatecakepiechocolatecakeicecreamjujubestoffee-candy-tootsie-roll. Gummi bears cupcake oat cake dragée. Halvah soufflé brownie muffin danish muffin brownie jelly gingerbread. Icing croissant tiramisu sugar plum candy. Danish cheesecake cake. Marzipan brownie candy sweet sugar plum. Pudding sweet fruitcake cookie pie. Liquorice lemon drops toffee candy. Jelly-o chocolate jelly beans donut wafer bear claw. Jujubes bear claw chocolate cake biscuit cookie muffin powder pudding. Lemon drops chupa chups cheesecake. Cheesecake pastry chocolate candy canes liquorice gummi bears. Sugar plum tootsie roll croissant marzipan cheesecake toffee macaroon.

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